● Matches will consist of 3 consecutive games of arena solos Fortnite for Varsity.
● Matches will consist of 3 consecutive games of no build solos Fortnite for Junior Varsity.
● Fortnite scores will be input by IHSEA staff and are not the responsibility of coaches or players.
● If a player misses a match for any reason, they forfeit the points they might have earned that match.
● Players that miss three matches during the regular season will be disqualified from the tournament.
● In the event of a statistically significant uneven number of teams participating in one conference compared to the others, the total number of teams advancing from each conference will be adjusted to reflect the total percent of teams that conference has in relation to the total number of teams in the state (i.e. if the White Conference has 50% of total teams in the state, 50% of the Championship Lobby would be White Conference teams).